Sunday, April 30, 2006

March Square Exchange Pillow

My husband, Warren recently returned from spending 68 days in the hospital and was very impressed to see all my March squares. This one especially caught his eye, being Irish and noticing the shamrock. He wanted to know what were my plans for all the squares received and I really haven't decided yet, but knew that he wanted that square. So this is the results...a Shamrock pillow for his bed. He loves it. A special thanks to Sharon, Moderator of the Group, for making this square for me and Warren.

1 comment:

Norma said...

I was going to show your post to my husband, but then thought better of it...he will want a pillow just like that, and he'll want me to make one for every member of his family as well! Glad Warren liked it! : ) And I like your curtain below as well!